Tips For Promoting Your Business With Eco-friendly Promotional Products

Ecological Promotional products are a powerful marketing tool to promote your business. In fact, recent studies on the ecological promotional products revealed that the companies engaged in sustainability practices have shown better performance over their competitors.

Tips for promoting your business with eco-friendly promotional products:

eco friendly promotional products, promotional giveaway products

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Offer a free gift. Biodegradable pen made from corn plastic can be given to everyone a prospect at the show or conference to a potential customer or holds a faithful account. Make sure this ecological pen your contact information printed on it. Above all, think utility. The gift can be something of a solar calculator with a biodegradable cup. You should not use an expensive item to have a lasting impact.

Say thank you’. Is a registered customer for your newsletter online or said how much more work provides information on your blog? Show how much you value their business with a “thank you” 100% recycled post-consumer card. On the back, the list of money and time saving useful tips such as going paperless electronic invoices. A nice gesture intelligently combined with useful information will position your business over your competition when service or product is needed again.

Network with a purpose. Everyone knows that trade shows, conventions, and conferences are great places to network. Do not put a little more than a business card or catalog to your prospects. Make an impression with promotional products environmentally friendly. After introducing yourself, hand over a seeded card

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